Rob's Music List |
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Rob: I'll list some of my favorite bands/artists - because once I latch onto an artist, I pretty much latch on to their whole catalog of albums. My tastes run rather eclectic, but I have a deep passion for quirky alt-rock bands who have a rather geeky/nerdy sound (not all of these fall into that). Here's a short list: Cake Recent CDs I bought that I am currently getting attached to are the latest from Audioslave, Rooney, The Darkness, Maroon 5, and Queens of The Stone Age. I'm also conversely a big Bruce Springsteen fan. But - having worked in radio for 10 years, I'm just a music junkie. You might find me listening to just about anything, really, and Brenda and I have about 1000 CDs (once our music collections got "merged.") Shameless plug time! I also run my own little internet radio station called Positive Rock. I play the lighter side of alternative (I avoid the real grungey down in the dumps alt-rock stuff like Pearl Jam and such). I play a lot of stuff months before tradtional, "terrestrial" radio latches on to it. It's on Live365, and I have a small website for it at:
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Last updated on April 19, 2004 |