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This glossary covers some of the more commonly used expressions, abbreviations, and acronyms used by members of the INFJ-list:


This is an expression used to describe the pain one feels when someone else is being humiliated or embarassed. For example, "[X] gave me the dumbchills," where X is someone doing something embarassing. Or, if you want to be even more hip, you say, "Ooo, major dumbchills!" when you see people embarassing themselves (thanks for this one, Robbie).

Getting the dumbchills is a pretty INFJish thing, though of course not limited uniquely to INFJs.


Stands for "Feeling Extraverted" (or extraverted feeling) which is the INFJ auxiliary function. When used casually on the INFJ-list, to Fe usually means to express feelings, especially about people. Fe-ing can also refer to blowing off steam, which is why on occasion it's also known (tongue-in-cheek) as ranting and raving.  check


To have a deep level of understanding for something, such as, "OK, I see, I grok that now." This word comes from the science fiction novel "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert A. Heinlein.


INFJ Annual Gathering.


SFs and NPs have the informing style, while STs and NJs have the directing style.


iNtroverted Intuition function. This is what gives INFJs sudden flashes of insight, understanding, and comprehension. Because the intuitive function is introverted, it may seem to others that INFJs are pulling information from out of the ether or reaching conclusions without any forethought. We seem to leap from point A to point E without bothering to connect points B, C, and D first. INFJs, when pressed, can usually reconnect the progress from point to point, demonstrating the logic of the conclusions they've reached. But Ni finds it tedious to go the long way instead of simply folding the points together and going directly to the same end point.

oceanic memory

A typically NF way of remembering things through intuitive leaps and by associating things. An INFJ trying to remember the name of a particular actor, for instance, may first have one or more clear mental images of the actor's appearance, recall a song or particular incident associated with the actor, recall several films in which the actor appeared or other actors or directors with whom he's worked extensively, and only then finally recall the actor's name. Thus INFJ-List threads are apt to wander off on tangents.


Recognition of a shared experience or perception.


The collective members of the INFJ-List. Kiersey suggested the dolphin as the totemic animal of NFs (iNtuitive Feelers), and a group of dolphins is called a "pod."

podling, podmate

An individual or fellow member of the INFJ-List.


Abbreviation for David Keirsey's immensely popular book on temperament theory, "Please Understand Me."


Abbreviation for David Keirsey's latest temperament book "Please Understand Me II."

read, reading

A surface scan to catch the general vibe of the person. Not as deep as scanning, less intrusive.

scan, scanning

"To send out feelers to gather information about a person for you, in the intuitive sense (a light form of scanning); or to go one step further after grokking someone. After an initial grok, someone can go deeper and more intensely, to scan you. This deep scanning seems to involve going into another person for the purpose of mutual kindred connection and mutual celebration." -- Ravenquille

Some INFJ-List members consider scanning, a form of delving into another person's conscience, to be too invasive to undertake without either an invitation or without having a good reason to intrude on another's privacy. Reasons might include determining whether another person intends one harm or deceit, or is in trouble and needs help.


Short for "Significant Other," like a girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, etc.


To Ne (iNtuition Extraverted) lots of irrelevant possibilities out loud; to explore possibilities by thinking out loud.


Referring to David Kiersey's temperament theory. Temperament theory is often confused with type theory, but there are significant differences between the two.


A term used to refer to personality type theory and the model behind it. Often the phrase "MBTI™" is erroneously used instead of "type." But "MBTI™" and "Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™" are trademarked names referring to a specific product rather than the personality model it is based on.


A general term to cover esp and other psychic phenomena.


"Your Mileage May Vary." A term meaning that your experience or understanding of a particular issue/person/item under discussion may differ from that of the speaker, who is voicing his or her own particular viewpoint of the subject under discussion. A respectful acknowledgement from the speaker that what he/she expresses is solely his/her own viewpoint and not to be interpreted as a universal truth.


"X Speaks for Y," where person X wrote something that expresses person Y's thoughts on the matter.


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"All appears to change when we change."
Henri Amiel

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February 20, 2005


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