There are several ways you can go about in order to find out which MBTI type you are:
¤ Have the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (paper-version) test administered to you by a person qualified to interpret the test results.
This is the most reliable option of all, though of course the MBTI test, like all psychological tests, is not perfect. Having a qualified MBTI instructor on hand to interpret the results is valuable though, since it isn't uncommon for people to be mis-typed, so to speak.
The Association for Psychological Type (APT) offers referrals to trained professionals who are qualified to administer the MBTI assessment. APT is online at:
If you are a university student, it is quite probable that your university career services office (or correlate) has the MBTI available, often at reduced cost.
¤ Take Terence Duniho's DDLI quiz
Duniho has created a software quiz program that presents a series of personality-related questions; for each question you are asked to rate the "strength" of your response. DDLI's reliability hasn't been studied, although most people would agree that it does a pretty good job.
You will have to download and install DDLI to take the test.
¤ Take the Thomson-Maidenbaum Personality Inventory, also known as "The Lenore Thomson Personality Test". It appears in her book, "Personality Type: An Owner’s Manual".
"Life every man holds dear;
but the dear man holds honour
far more precious dear than life."
William Shakespeare